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Our mission is to create a real community around Cha U Kao.
Our values include health and beauty, safety and responsibility, community and education, continuous development and, of course, design and aesthetics.
Cha U Kao is a Russian brand of care cosmetics, named after the French actress Sha-U-Kao— a clown and a Moulin Rouge dancer, a favorite model of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Like her, the inhabitants of the Cha U Kao universe live in an atmosphere of fabulous punk, circus extravaganza and continuous exploration of life.
CHa u kao
The heroes of Cha U Kao are sincere and real, original and charismatic, free and crystal clear inside. They are not afraid to be bright and different from others. They believe in goodness, love life and relate to what is happening with a certain vibe of the game. They dance at parties until they drop, the next morning they shine again and say "yes!" to everything with an open heart.

The spirit of Cha U Kao — a holiday as a way of life and inexhaustible childishness inside — lives in each of the team members.